Başiskele / Kocaeli, Türkiye
+90 262 502 26 65
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40 Years Experince

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account teachings

Certified Company

Great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness one rejects, dislikes pleasure itself.

#1 Supplier in Region

Those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely.

Best in the Market

Desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances.

HVAC Tesisatı

İklimlendirme (Isıtma ve Klima), Havalandırma, Isıtma, Soğutulmuş Su Tesisatı, Sıcak Su Tesisatı

Yangınla Mücadele

Sprinkler (Yağmurlama) Tesisatı, Su Sprey (Water Spray) Tesisatı, Yangın Söndürme Sistemleri, Sabit Borulu Yangından Korunma Tesisatları...

Endüstriyel Boru Tesisatları

Buhar Tesisatı, Basınçlı Hava Tesisatı, Kızgın Yağ Tesisatı, Paslanmaz Boru Tesisatı, Pompa İstasyonları

Mekanik Tesisat Otomasyonu

Mekanik tesisat sistemlerinin bölgesel veya merkezi olarak kontrolü, izlemesi için gerekli olan elemanlar, yazılım ve alt yapı tesisatları

Sıhhi Tesisat

Kullanma ve İçme Suyu Tesisatı, Atık su ve Drenaj Tesisatı

Why Chossing US?

We go to great lengths to identify impressive new talent self starters with specific skill sets to produce truly amazing results.

We are Professional


How all this mistaken idea ut denouncing pleasure and praising pain complete.

We are Creative


The master builders human happines no rejects, dislikes,avoids extremely.

We are Trusted

Team Members

Some great pleasure take trivial example, which of ever undertakes advantage.

Certified Products

AEIO Certified

Chooses to enjoy pleasure that sed has annoying consequences.

We are Creative


The master builders human happines no rejects, dislikes,avoids extremely.

We are Professional


How all this mistaken idea ut denouncing pleasure and praising pain complete.


We go to great lengths to identify impressive new talent self starters with specific skill sets to produce truly amazing results.